Sunday, May 16, 2010


It is a beautiful day today, and I took advantage of the weather by doing some yard work. It isn't an activity I particularly enjoy, but it is something that needs to be done, I suppose. This whole weekend has been pretty much devoted to working around the house. Depressingly, it doesn't look like we did much, even though we did. That's not entirely true, though. Pet did a wonderful job upstairs in our bedroom and bathroom and my son did a great job in cleaning up his room. The kitchen looks better than it did and the outside is looking better with the yard mowed and weeds trimmed. So, I guess things are better than they have been.

It has been a different weekend for me. I feel like I need to maintain a dominant role, but really haven't had much of an opportunity to do so. In fact, in many cases it seems as if I am back to being the submissive one which I really was not pleased with. Pet must be punished for that, but coming up with a punishment that doesn't involve pain or humiliation seems to be difficult for me. I do need to come up with something, though, or else this is pointless. If we are to live this way, it cannot always be about the pleasure, which is pretty damn fun.

Becoming a dom also involves me changing. And maybe that's what I'm having the most difficulty with. I need to see opportunities as they arise and take them. I need to know what needs to be done. I cannot rely on pet anymore to do that. She needs to be able to rely on me for these things. It is a pretty big role reversal for both of us. But, I know that for her, she wants to be able to let go of the control, and I really want to have control. We will find what works for us eventually.

Now, though, it is time for me to find a suitable punishment for my pet's insolence.

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